Welcome to Lakshmi Jewellery

Perfect Unique Piece of Fine Jewellery

We are offering a wide range of elegant south Indian gold jewellery of various unique design fashions and traditional collections.We manufacture our jewellery ourselves with over a decade of experience and design your own unique piece.


Pavithra mothiram

The unique knot

The word ‘Pavithram’ means ‘Durba’ grass/purifier and ‘mothiram’ means ring. ‘Pavithramothiram’, therefore, means a ring made of Durba grass (Pao Cynosuriodes) to purify men and materials.

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Most of our custom piece starts as nothing more than an idea or dream from a customer and then we bring that dream to life in the form of the perfectly designed piece of fine jewellery.


Pavithramothiram helps to purify the mind and the body of the wearer thereby enabling him/her to lead a healthy, wealthy and prosperous life.

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What We Do?

We value your patronage, and we value your trust. You receive great atmosphere and customer service.

service 1

Jewellery Sales

We manufacture our jewellery ourselves with over a decade of experience and design your own unique piece.

service 2

Recycling of Jewellery

We can refresh your collection to keep jewellery as beautiful as the day you bought it. That’s why we offer an extensive range of repair and support services.

service 3

Traditional Products

We are making various traditional products.


project 1

Pavithra Kettu (Pavithra knot)

The three lines on the Pavithramothiram do represent the above three Nadis viz. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The knot at the centre by joining the above three lines indicates the glands in our body. This pavithra knot greatly helps to activate the Kundalini in our body to generate tremendous energy. There are three lines on each side of the pavithra knot and seven buds on each line. These seven buds stand for Seven Rishis (Ascetics) of the cosmos viz. Mareechi, Vasishta, Anginas, Athri, Pulasthian, Pulahan and Krathu. The three knobs just on the pavithra knot are the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. The unique flattened knob adjacent to the pavithra knot at the beginning of the middle line is the planet Sun and a similar one at the end of the same line is the planet Moon.

project 2

Pavithramothiram (Pavithra Ring)

Types of pavithram Weight
Full Pavithram 38.500 gms
3/4 Pavithram 28.900 gms
1/2 Pavithram 19.250 gms
3/8 Pavilthram 14.450 gms
1/4 Pavithram 09.650 gms
3/16 Pavithram 07.250 gms
1/8 Pavithram 04.850 gms
project 3

Pavithravala (Pavithra Bangle)

Types of pavithram Weight
Full Pavithram 38.500 gms
3/4 Pavithram 28.900 gms
1/2 Pavithram 19.250 gms
3/8 Pavilthram 14.450 gms
1/4 Pavithram 09.650 gms
3/16 Pavithram 07.250 gms
1/8 Pavithram 04.850 gms
project 4

Project for Some Client

ClientSome Client Name
DateJuly 2013
SkillsHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  • project 1

    Pavithra Kettu

    By wearing can enhance spiritual power...

  • project 2


    In Silver and Gold...

  • project 3


    In Gold...

]hn{Xsa¶m ZÀ`¸pÃv/ip²oIcWw, AXn\m ]hn{XtamXncw ZÀ`¸pÃv sIm­pÅ tamXncw F¶v kmcw. ]hn{XtamXncw a\pjyt\bpw Ahsâ IÀ½t¯bpw ip²oIcn¡p¶p. {_mÒWÀ ip²nIÀ½¯n\v ZÀ`¸pÃv sIm­p­m¡nb ]hn{XamWv [cn¡mdv.

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  1. s]cphnc þ hmbp`qXw
  2. Np­mWnhnc þ BImi`qXw
  3. \Sphnc þ Aán`qXw
  4. tamXnchnc þ Pe`qXw
  5. sNdphnc þ ]rYzn`qXw

Hcp ]qPbn ]pjv]§Ä BImi`qXambpw, Nµ\XncnbpsSbpw [q]¯nsâbpw ]pI hmbp`qXambpw, hnf¡v Aán`qXambpw, XoÀ°Pew Pe`qXambpw, Nµ\w, If`w apXembh ]rYzn`qXambpw buKnIambn _Ôs¸«pInS¡p¶p. Hcp a\pjysâ CSXp`mKw CU\mUnsbbpw N{µaÞes¯bpw {]Xn\n[m\w sN¿p¶p. heXp`mKw ]nwKe\mUnsbbpw kqcyaÞes¯bpw {]Xn\n[m\w sN¿p¶p. a[y`mKw kpjpav\m \mUnsbbpw Aánsbbpw {]Xn\n[m\w sN¿p¶p. icoc¯nse Cu khntijXIsfms¡ kzÀ®w sIm­p­m¡nb ]hn{XtamXnc¯nepw DÄs¡m­n«p­v. Cu aq¶p hcIÄ taÂ]dªt]mse aq¶p \mUnIfmIp¶p þ bYm{Iaw CU, ]nwKf, kpjpav\. aq¶p hcIÄ tNÀ¶v a[y`mKw Hcp sI«mbn cq]m´cw {]m]n¡p¶Xv ]hn{Xs¡«mWv. Cu ]hn{Xs¡«v km[It\m AÀ¨It\m Ahsâ IpÞen\n iàn DWÀ¯phm\pw ]cnWnX ^eambn Z£nW `mK¯pIqSnbpÅ AarX[mcsb ]cnip²am¡phm\pw km[n¡psa¶v ]ga¡mÀ ]dbmdp­v. Hcp hcnbn Ggp ap¯cnIÄ hoXw ap¶p hcnIfmbn ]hn{Xs¡«n\v Ccphihpw ImWmw. Cu Ggp ap¯cnIÄ k]vXÀjnIÄ F¶dnbs¸Sp¶ acoNn, hknjvT, BwKncÊv, A{Xn, ]pekvXnb³, ]pel³, {IXp F¶nhcmWv. ]hn{Xs¡«n\v apIfn ImWp¶ aq¶p ap¯cnIÄ {XnaqÀ¯nIfmb {_Ò, hnjvWp, inh³ F¶o tZh•mcpsS k¦ev]amWv. ]hn{Xs¡«n\v sXm«pXmsgbmbn a[yhcbv¡v sXm«v ]c¶ h«ap¯cn kqcy{Kls¯bpw, B hc Ahkm\n¡p¶nS¯pÅ ]c¶ h«ap¯cn N{µ{Kls¯bpw kqNn¸n¡p¶p. aq¶p hcIÄ tNÀ¶ CS¯n\v Ipdn F¶pw AXn\p Xmsg InS¡p¶ \mep ap¯cnIÄ EtKzZ, bPpÀthZ, kmathZ, AYÀhthZ F¶o \mep thZ§sfbpw kqNn¸n¡p¶p.

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kv{XoIÄ¡pth­n R§Ä ]hn{Xhf X¿mdm¡n sImSp¡p¶p­v. Npcp§nb Xq¡w 24 {Kman\pw 32 {Kman\pw CSbn thWw.

]hn{XtamXnc¯n\pth­n HmÀUÀ sNt¿­ hn[w

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tamXnc¯nsâ Afhpw Xq¡hpw

hnhn[ C\w ]hn{Xw Xq¡w {Kmw/anÃn{Kmw
XnIª ]hn{Xw 38.500
ap¡m ]hn{Xw 28.900
Ac ]hn{Xw 19.250
Imse Ac¡m ]hn{Xw 14.450
Im ]hn{Xw 09.650
Ac¡mse almWn ]hn{Xw 07.250
Ac¡m ]hn{Xw 04.850

tamXnc Afhv 17 an.an. hsc 4:850 {Kmtam AXn IqSpXtem, 18 an.an. \v apIfn 7:250 {Kmapw AXn IqSpXepw, 22 an.an. apX 9:950 {Kmtam AXn IqSpXtem Bbm \ÃXv. HmÀUÀ sN¿pt¼mÄ kzÀ®hne apgph\mbpw ap³Iqdmbn X¶ncn¡Ww. Bhiys¸«m HmÀUÀ sNbvX ]hn{XtamXncw C³tjzÀUv t]mÌv hgn Ab¨pXcp¶XmWv. C³jzÀ Nnehv hlnt¡­XmWv.

Our mailing address is:
INDIA. PIN - 670 307.
Mobile: +91 9447052252, +91 9447685756

Email: lakshmijewellerypnr@gmail.com

By wearing a perfectly made Pavithramothiram, one can enhance his/her spiritual power and material wealth.

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Who We Are?

We are leading Jewellers in Payyannur since 1932

team 1

C.V. kunhikkannan


Born to late Kelu and Cheayayi on 07-11-1909 and died on 03-09-1984.

About Us

1932  {]hÀ¯\w Bcw`n¨ Cu Øm]\w B`cWhym]mc cwK¯v A¶p ]¿¶qcn C¯c¯nepÅ BZykwcw`ambncp¶p. R§fpsS Øm]I³ {io. kn.hn. Ipªn¡®³ F¶ t{ijvT hyànXzamWv. ]n¶oSv, 1982  {]kvXpX Øm]\w, AXnsâ ]mc¼cyw AtX]Sn Im¯pkq£n¨psIm­v, C¶p \nehnepÅ e£van Pzedn F¶ t]cn ]p\À\maIcWw sNbvXp \hoIcn¡pIbp­mbn. }R§Ä DXvIrjvSamb Hcp `qXIme¯nsâ A\´cmhIminIfmWv. B al¯mb ]mc¼cyw C¡gnª Ime§fnseÃmw hfsc D¶Xamb \nebn R§Ä Im¯pkq£n¨pt]mcp¶pap­v. e£van PzÃdn F¶ \maw Xs¶ R§fpsS hnes¸« CS]mSpImÀ¡v AhcpsS ]qÀ®amb hnizmkw R§fn AÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\v ]cym]vXamWv. `Khmsâ Ir]mISm£ ¯m D]t`màm¡fpsS {]Xo£bvs¡m¯pbcphm³ R§Äs¡¶pw km[n¨n«p­v.

Pavithra knot greatly helps to activate the Kundalini in our body to generate tremendous energy.

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Other Traditional Products

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We welcome communications, Please email/call us if you have any questions relating to Lakshmi Jewellery and Pavithra Mothiram.



Mobile: +91 9447052252, +91 9447685756

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